, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: Disney Challenge Day 19: Favorite Soundtrack

Friday, April 19, 2013

Disney Challenge Day 19: Favorite Soundtrack


Picking a favorite soundtrack is just as difficult as picking one favorite Disney song - also known as, impossible.  I am unable to choose from my favorite classics like Beauty & the Beast and The Little Mermaid, so I've elected to choose a soundtrack that makes me think of all my favorites at once - Enchanted!

Andrew seems to believe this is Disney's worst film, but I love it.  It combines the classic animation of a princess with the real-life New York City - which may be harsher than the kingdom of happily ever after, but for this smalltown girl, is no less magical.  The original songs are fun to sing, and in the score I can hear pieces of several favorite Disney films.  So in my book, it's a winner all around!

Make sure you follow along on the Chameleon Girls Facebook page and the Disney 30 Day Challenge Pinterest Board for each day's challenge!  Plus, you can read all of my favorites here on the blog!

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