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Monday, April 8, 2013

Disney Challenge Day 8: Favorite Kiss

Disney movies are nothing if not romantic!  I admit, my first inclination for today's challenge was Belle and Prince Adam, but in an effort to be more diverse and not choose Beauty & the Beast every day, I'm branching out!

My decision?  Favorite kiss goes to Aladdin and Jasmine.  It is a super cute kiss.  And Aladdin's "yes!!!" reaction is my favorite.

In researching Disney movie kisses, I found this adorable video on youtube.  Hope you enjoy as much as I did.

Make sure you follow along on the Chameleon Girls Facebook page and the Disney 30 Day Challenge Pinterest Board for each day's challenge!  Plus, you can read all of my favorites here on the blog!


  1. Wow. I think I'm disney illiterate. I haven't seen half of these (in the video) and several of them I didn't even know existed.


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