, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: Disney Challenge Day 17: Favorite Outfit

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Disney Challenge Day 17: Favorite Outfit

 Because I'm fairly confident I could talk for years on the subject of Disney fashion, I'm going to keep this brief by selecting the two dresses that I would most love to have in my personal wardrobe. 


First up is Belle's blue "normal" dress.  I adore her gold ballgown, but it's just not the most practical piece and I don't look fabulous in yellow.  This blue dress is the definition of Belle.  Every time I see this color, I think of her - and I honestly try to buy things in this color just so I can feel like Belle when I'm going about my everyday life.  Not lying!


I'm so in love with the color choice for Rapunzel, too.  Pinks and yellows may look good on Disney princesses, but purple looks good on just about anybody.  Next time we visit Disney, I want to wear a Rapunzel dress.  Not sure if hubby will let me get away with that.

Make sure you follow along on the Chameleon Girls Facebook page and the Disney 30 Day Challenge Pinterest Board for each day's challenge!  Plus, you can read all of my favorites here on the blog!

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