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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Disney Challenge Day 7: Favorite Song

This favorite is absolutely impossible to choose. I love so many Disney songs. I'm just sharing the first two that come to mind - but they are not necessarily my "top" favorites!


Belle.  Something about the smiling French folk singing about this heroine behind her back has always made me love this tune.  The best part?  When she sits on the fountain and sings "Oh isn't this amazing? It's my favorite part because - you'll see - here's where she meets Prince Charming, but she won't discover that it's him 'til Chapter 3!"  Foreshadowing at its best.

I also love the Belle Reprise.  "I want adventure in the great wide somewhere - I want it more than I can tell.  And for once, it might be grand to have someone understand - I want so much more than they've got planned....


The song that comes to mind immediately next is Part of Your World.  It's something about the melody, or something about the longing to know what the other end of the world is like.  I remember listening to the cassette tape over and over and over...I can still sing this song in my sleep. 

Can you pick a favorite Disney song?  It's such a tough call!

Make sure you follow along on the Chameleon Girls Facebook page and the Disney 30 Day Challenge Pinterest Board for each day's challenge!  Plus, you can read all of my favorites here on the blog!

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