, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: Simple Moments v.14

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Simple Moments v.14

WOW.  My last simple moments post was three weeks ago.  I've been crazy tired and stressed out, but I didn't realize I had gotten so far behind.  Here's to a new start!

This week's photos are (mostly) brought to you by my Instagram feed...because I seem to be too lazy to have my real camera anywhere within my reach most days.  

Craftiness.  I've toyed with the idea of opening an Etsy shop for a really long time.  The truth is, I just can't figure out how I will manage to keep up with it on top of everything else.  But sometimes, I dream about it.  And sometimes I create the sort of things that I imagine will be for sale once I do set up shop.  I made a couple of headbands for Addie last weekend, using this great singed flower tutorial that I found on - where else - Pinterest.  And it was so much fun, and so much easier than I thought it might be.  Now if only my children would sleep at night...I could definitely get some items listed for sale!

New Project Life: Blush Edition!  My favorite scrapbooking solution, Project Life, was featured on HSN last week and I snagged a fantastic deal on the album and kit that I will likely use for 2014's photos.  If I am extremely motivated, I might use it for some earlier photos (2007/2008), but considering that I still don't have this year's album completely put together and have yet to print photos or write a single journaling card....  I kind of doubt that's going to happen!

"Springtime" Walks.  There was one day last week that was gorgeous.  And then it was suddenly frigid again.  I'm so tired of winter.  I need to take these babies outside or we're all going to go crazy.  Lincoln woke up this morning and ran to me immediately saying "shoes? walk? shoes? walk? walk?!!" and was devastated when I said it was too cold.  However - I will admit that they are pretty adorable in their sock monkey hats (by Knitnut by JL) and I'm glad to have another photo of them wearing these before Adelaide outgrows hers!

Sibling Interaction.  I sometimes think we are crazy for having two babies so close together, but my goodness - lately I am just overwhelmed watching them together.  They are starting to develop their own little relationship. 

Addie adores her big brother and Lincoln's favorite thing to do right now is "carry" her around the house.  It is precious to see them love each other.  Here's hoping that lasts for awhile.

A real, honest-to-goodness hairdo.  On the days where I've had more than three hours of sleep, I'm starting to feel like my normal crafty, dramatic self.  Which means occasionally, I do something with my hair other than throwing it in a sloppy ponytail.  It really is the little things in life that can make a whole day better.

That's it for today.  I hope your week has been beautiful!

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