, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: March 2012

Saturday, March 17, 2012

the two best st. patrick's days ever.

It's mid-March - and 80 degrees outside.  There's no doubt we are enjoying the weather this week.  We've been to the zoo, the park, and on many many walks. Today I realized that I've been taking my baby for walks for a year.  This is Lincoln and me in 2011:

Look at that sleepy smile!  I'm pretty sure that St. Patrick's Day walk last year was the very first time I ventured out in the neighborhood with the (then) almost 4-week-old.  We are mostly past the days when a calm walk through the neighborhood would lull the little guy to sleep.  It happens occasionally, but usually only around naptime.  Things have definitely changed in the past year!

On today's walk - the little man was chattering away, looking over the edge of the stroller (trying to figure out how the wheels work), and pointing at puppies and birds.

His shirt says Lucky Me, but I'm pretty sure I'm the lucky one.  How blessed I am to get to spend my days with this sweet little boy! Happy St. Patrick's Day!
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