I'm in the midst of a seemingly never-ending nap/sleep battle. My kids hate sleeping. I, however, love to sleep - and that is not happening very often for me these days. As a result, I'm bleary-eyed and really grumpy most of the time. Ask my poor husband.
I'm supposed to be consigning at one of the large KC area consignment sales. It's this week. I'm supposed to drop off my items tomorrow night. Do you know how many items from the four overflowing totes in my office have tags on them? A big fat zero.
I also really need to grocery shop. I really need to finish converting my scrapbook room into a sewing/scrapbook/workout/kids-crafting space. I really need to catch up on my Project Life 2012 scrapbook and start my 2013 album. I haven't even taken the plastic wrap off the album yet. Sigh.
And have you heard that Google Reader is going away? That means I have to transfer all of my blog subscriptions over to Bloglovin' - sorting through the hundred some-odd blogs I follow is taking more time than I have. If you want, you can follow my blog with Bloglovin to stay up to date.
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This is real life, folks. Bags under my eyes=100% Genuine. |
All of that to say?
I think I'll be taking a blogging break for a few days.
I need a chance to catch up on some zzzz's whenever my kids happen to both be asleep at the same time (rare, even at night).
I need to quit eating Oreos for two out of my three meals a day.
And of course, I need to spend the next 30 hours tagging consignment items like a maniac.
I have some fun posts and giveaways coming up - so stay tuned!