...and wow, has it been quite the start. I arrived at work this morning to find that the library was closed on Saturday due to the ongoing blizzard in our town, so all of the books from the drop box (basically all returns since last Wednesday) had to be checked in, as well as the 22-page pick list, and all the other normal crazy Monday morning stuff. And there is hardly anyone working today!! I was the third highest in command...and people kept asking me questions! It was weird. But kind of nice. :)
I've been inspired today by what I read on Ali Edwards' blog. She's made a challenge to pick one little word for 2010 and let it make an impact on your life in the next year. I'm still debating my word choice, but right now...I think it may be CALM. We live life at such a harried pace right now, and I think it stresses me out more than I realize. We've already talked about slowing down in 2010 as we're going to have some new things in our life...grad school being one of the big ones. So I am hoping that the new year will bring me some time to reflect, relax, finish the projects, and realize that it's really okay to say no when I'm asked to do something new.
We had a pretty great Christmas. It was absolutely wonderful to have so many days off in a row. It was like a little vacation - and we get to do it all over again this coming weekend (though without a major holiday to add tons of insanity to our plans!). We are going to see A Christmas Story at the KC Rep on Thursday afternoon - Andrew got me tickets for Christmas. I'm super excited!
On top of that joy, it's only 17 days until our delightful vacation. Still haven't tried on any of that swimwear, though it's been in my house for probably a week. Hoping to get to that today! :)
Another favorite gift (also from Andrew)? Project Life. It has not arrived yet, but it should be here very soon. And I am very excited. It's going to be a beautiful way to document 2010...so whether or not I ever finish my scrapbooks, at least I will have something. :)
I'm working on the AGDT scrapbook again. I'm caught up to the Summer 2009 performance (haven't printed Fall 09 pics yet, but I'm working on weeding them so that I can!). So I've started putting together the TEEN scrapbook - starting with pictures from our first teen production, Little Women, in 2007. I have so many photos and I just can't bear to not include them all...so it's going to be quite the scrapbook!! It may have to be just one album for each production. We'll see...
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
The Honeymoon Scrapbook. It's done, folks. Completely, 100%, there's-a-title-in-the-front-cover DONE. And it's beautiful. :)
The Vacation. 24 days and counting until beautiful Bahamas. I'm waiting for my massive swimwear order to arrive. I'm hoping that out of the 7 or 8 ensembles I ordered, at least 1 or 2 of them will be worth wearing.
The Other Vacation. Oh by the way, we're going back to my favorite place - NYC - in the spring. We'll be visiting from April 30 - May 3 and I am so excited. We already have tickets for 3 shows, starring famous people such as Nathan Lane, Abigail Breslin, and KRISTIN CHENOWETH!!!! Not quite as excited as I was to meet Sutton - but hey. This is a big deal.
The Current Generational Fad. I really like the phrase.... "it will be epic!" But I'm afraid that I'm too old to use it. Sad day. :(
The Christmas Tree. It's ghetto. No lights, no tinsel, no tree skirt, 4 ornaments and a small stuffed ginger-person stuck inside the branches. It does have a topper.
The Christmas Shopping. Andrew - done. My family - done. Andrew's family - barely started, but I'm giving that responsibility over to him. I'll bet you're wondering how I managed to make so much progress in so little time. Well, let me just tell you - it's a gift card extravaganza for the relatives this year.
The Christmas Wrapping. Almost finished with this! I was blessed with an extra hour at home today (due to running a work-related errand on my own time), and it gave me enough time to clean the bedroom, start working on laundry, and sit with my wrapping supplies and Grey's (watching Season 1 again since I still haven't seen 3-5 and am not content to just move on to another show) for a couple hours. Thank heaven for gift bags. Whoever invented them should be made a saint.
The Christmas Baking. The what?
The Workplace. The crazies have been out in full force the past few days. I'm so thankful for a 3-day work week followed by a 4-day weekend followed by a 3-day work week followed by - gasp - another glorious 4-day weekend. It will be epi-----incredible.
The Television Series Status. If you didn't know, in our "free time" we watch DVDs of long-running TV shows. We've covered Buffy (7 seasons), Angel (5 seasons), and we're currently on Smallville (which is in its 9th season...we're on the 8th and striving to catch up before Season 10).
The Local Theatre Scene. Fantastical news concerning Starlight's 2010 season. It opens with Little House on the Prairie: The Musical which I have been dying to see a) because um, hello, my alter ego for about 8 years was Laura Ingalls, and b) Melissa Gilbert (who was actually Laura Ingalls) is playing Ma in the show!! Starlight is not a good venue at which to meet stars...but it's okay. I'm sure it'll still be a great experience! Starlight is also doing Beauty and the Beast, which irritates me because now my theatre will have to compete with Starlight. But hey - it's not like I'll be missing it. :) Also a local theatre is doing Little Women the Musical - and I'm irritated that I never heard anything about auditions. It's not a professional show, so it could have been a chance for me to have a Sutton role. UGH! I don't understand why people don't contact me before planning their theatre schedules....
The Schedule. It's calmed down. I actually feel somewhat awake today. It's a shock to not be 100% sleep deprived. We'll see how long we can keep this up.
The Vacation. 24 days and counting until beautiful Bahamas. I'm waiting for my massive swimwear order to arrive. I'm hoping that out of the 7 or 8 ensembles I ordered, at least 1 or 2 of them will be worth wearing.
The Other Vacation. Oh by the way, we're going back to my favorite place - NYC - in the spring. We'll be visiting from April 30 - May 3 and I am so excited. We already have tickets for 3 shows, starring famous people such as Nathan Lane, Abigail Breslin, and KRISTIN CHENOWETH!!!! Not quite as excited as I was to meet Sutton - but hey. This is a big deal.
The Current Generational Fad. I really like the phrase.... "it will be epic!" But I'm afraid that I'm too old to use it. Sad day. :(
The Christmas Tree. It's ghetto. No lights, no tinsel, no tree skirt, 4 ornaments and a small stuffed ginger-person stuck inside the branches. It does have a topper.
The Christmas Shopping. Andrew - done. My family - done. Andrew's family - barely started, but I'm giving that responsibility over to him. I'll bet you're wondering how I managed to make so much progress in so little time. Well, let me just tell you - it's a gift card extravaganza for the relatives this year.
The Christmas Wrapping. Almost finished with this! I was blessed with an extra hour at home today (due to running a work-related errand on my own time), and it gave me enough time to clean the bedroom, start working on laundry, and sit with my wrapping supplies and Grey's (watching Season 1 again since I still haven't seen 3-5 and am not content to just move on to another show) for a couple hours. Thank heaven for gift bags. Whoever invented them should be made a saint.
The Christmas Baking. The what?
The Workplace. The crazies have been out in full force the past few days. I'm so thankful for a 3-day work week followed by a 4-day weekend followed by a 3-day work week followed by - gasp - another glorious 4-day weekend. It will be epi-----incredible.
The Television Series Status. If you didn't know, in our "free time" we watch DVDs of long-running TV shows. We've covered Buffy (7 seasons), Angel (5 seasons), and we're currently on Smallville (which is in its 9th season...we're on the 8th and striving to catch up before Season 10).
The Local Theatre Scene. Fantastical news concerning Starlight's 2010 season. It opens with Little House on the Prairie: The Musical which I have been dying to see a) because um, hello, my alter ego for about 8 years was Laura Ingalls, and b) Melissa Gilbert (who was actually Laura Ingalls) is playing Ma in the show!! Starlight is not a good venue at which to meet stars...but it's okay. I'm sure it'll still be a great experience! Starlight is also doing Beauty and the Beast, which irritates me because now my theatre will have to compete with Starlight. But hey - it's not like I'll be missing it. :) Also a local theatre is doing Little Women the Musical - and I'm irritated that I never heard anything about auditions. It's not a professional show, so it could have been a chance for me to have a Sutton role. UGH! I don't understand why people don't contact me before planning their theatre schedules....
The Schedule. It's calmed down. I actually feel somewhat awake today. It's a shock to not be 100% sleep deprived. We'll see how long we can keep this up.

Monday blahs,
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmastime is here......wait, what?!!!?!
Well, the show is done. It was a great success, with crowds who seemed to enjoy the magic we created on stage. What more could we ask for?
This leaves me with the realization that it's just 8 days until Christmas...and I haven't really purchased any gifts. This is indeed, a bit frightening!! I'm trying to do some online shopping, but I haven't even had time to think about what to get for anyone...so I don't know what to do. I'm hoping inspiration will dawn before it is too late.
And on that happy note, I'm back to online Christmas gift browsing...
This leaves me with the realization that it's just 8 days until Christmas...and I haven't really purchased any gifts. This is indeed, a bit frightening!! I'm trying to do some online shopping, but I haven't even had time to think about what to get for anyone...so I don't know what to do. I'm hoping inspiration will dawn before it is too late.
You really haven't lived until you've volunteered to play the Storytime Christmas Elf at the library the week before Christmas. I have done 5 appearances as this happy character, with 2 more planned by Friday's end. I also organized for Santa Claus himself (who happens to have been the star of our Christmas production and also happens to already work for MCPL) to make an appearance. Most of the very small children were terrified, but a few were brave enough to pose for a photo.
And on that happy note, I'm back to online Christmas gift browsing...
Monday, December 7, 2009
well, it's been awhile (again).
I dislike winter weather. Really. What fun is a winter wonderland when you have to get out and drive in it every day? There are too many lunatics on the road. It's not fair that some people actually get to stay inside by their cozy fires while the rest of us brave the madness just so the general public can come check out library books. Really, people? This is why we have personal book collections.
No, it hasn't snowed yet, but there is talk of a coming storm. The library is remarkably quiet this evening. Usually in a case like this, there would be 3,000 people in here trying to stock up before the storm.
The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus at BSCT has lived through its first weekend!! It was definitely Friday night - the first performance - when I actually saw every single child wearing every single costume piece (STRESS!!!!!!!!!), but they all really do look pretty nice. And while I never want to design a fantasy costume scheme again...it was actually pretty fun. I enjoy sewing. I wish I had time to keep that up as another hobby. Unfortunately I can't even stay on top of all the other hobbies...
It's hard to believe that Christmas is fast approaching. I only have a few weeks, and I haven't even given the most basic consideration to Christmas gifts or plans. I have no idea what we're getting anyone. Nor do I know what to get Andrew. It may be a small Christmas in the our household anyway, after the rest of the expenses that have been dumped on us recently. Honestly - why don't people tell you about horrible things like tax bills that you have to pay in December? It kind of seems like I wrote all of this in my last post. Obviously I am still unhappy to be dealing with these things.
We went to the new Target in Blue Springs last night - between the show and a theatre meeting. I was thrilled to actually be in a store with TIME and I found some cute new shirts. It was a good day. I have a very limited winter wardrobe, so it was a much needed expansion. However, the Starbucks in Target did not have any peppermint and I did not get my peppermint mocha. THAT was sad.
I had 5 hours off work today and I spent most of it organizing and cleaning the house, and doing laundry, and really just trying to find the floor in the basement. It had been lost for quite some time. I also found a sweet Dancing With the Stars workout video from work in my movie stack and did part of it and it was pretty sweet. So maybe there is a fun way to weight loss after all...
I wish I had the time to be a domestic diva. Really. I want to bake yummy deliciousness. sigh.
Sad day: I am not putting up any Christmas decorations. I won't have time until the weekend after the show -- and at that point, it would be December 19. What's the point? :(
38 days and we will be in sunny Florida, followed shortly by the BAHAMAS. Believe me, I could not be more excited!!! Oh speaking of this, I definitely need a new swimsuit...hm...
No, it hasn't snowed yet, but there is talk of a coming storm. The library is remarkably quiet this evening. Usually in a case like this, there would be 3,000 people in here trying to stock up before the storm.
The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus at BSCT has lived through its first weekend!! It was definitely Friday night - the first performance - when I actually saw every single child wearing every single costume piece (STRESS!!!!!!!!!), but they all really do look pretty nice. And while I never want to design a fantasy costume scheme again...it was actually pretty fun. I enjoy sewing. I wish I had time to keep that up as another hobby. Unfortunately I can't even stay on top of all the other hobbies...
It's hard to believe that Christmas is fast approaching. I only have a few weeks, and I haven't even given the most basic consideration to Christmas gifts or plans. I have no idea what we're getting anyone. Nor do I know what to get Andrew. It may be a small Christmas in the our household anyway, after the rest of the expenses that have been dumped on us recently. Honestly - why don't people tell you about horrible things like tax bills that you have to pay in December? It kind of seems like I wrote all of this in my last post. Obviously I am still unhappy to be dealing with these things.
We went to the new Target in Blue Springs last night - between the show and a theatre meeting. I was thrilled to actually be in a store with TIME and I found some cute new shirts. It was a good day. I have a very limited winter wardrobe, so it was a much needed expansion. However, the Starbucks in Target did not have any peppermint and I did not get my peppermint mocha. THAT was sad.
I had 5 hours off work today and I spent most of it organizing and cleaning the house, and doing laundry, and really just trying to find the floor in the basement. It had been lost for quite some time. I also found a sweet Dancing With the Stars workout video from work in my movie stack and did part of it and it was pretty sweet. So maybe there is a fun way to weight loss after all...
I wish I had the time to be a domestic diva. Really. I want to bake yummy deliciousness. sigh.
Sad day: I am not putting up any Christmas decorations. I won't have time until the weekend after the show -- and at that point, it would be December 19. What's the point? :(
38 days and we will be in sunny Florida, followed shortly by the BAHAMAS. Believe me, I could not be more excited!!! Oh speaking of this, I definitely need a new swimsuit...hm...
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