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Sunday, December 1, 2013

How to Make an Easy DIY Sock Snowman Craft - Guest Post at Yellow Tennessee!

 I have dreams of doing cute craft projects with my kids every day. But let's face it, right now I'm not super great at keeping up with the things I want to do. I celebrate the little victories as they happen - so today, you can hop over to Yellow Tennessee and read about the cute DIY Sock Snowman Craft that Lincoln (sort of) helped me create last week!

I came up with the idea for this little guy while digging through a pile of old socks that are missing their mate. I think I might make a whole snow people family! Okay, it's unlikely that I will successfully accomplish this, but it is a nice idea, right?

Both of my kids love this little snowman! I hope you love it, too!


  1. Super cute! We definitely have a few lost socks that would love to become snowmen. A great tot school activity for my little ones :)


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