, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: A Little Purple Knitted Blanket

Monday, July 29, 2013

A Little Purple Knitted Blanket

I learned to knit when I was about ten years old. I've honestly lost count of how many projects I have completed. I haven't experimented much beyond the basic knit and purl, which means most of my projects are pretty simple.

I've made baby blankets and shoes for friends. For several years, I donated tiny caps, shoes, and blankets to the Ronald McDonald House for preemies. I made a handful of full-sized quilts, the most obnoxious of which was designed in "Anastasia" colors - red, gold, and purple. It's really something. 

But I digress. Since having kids, my knitting time seems to have seriously declined - but I was still determined to create blankets for Lincoln and Addie. I managed to make two blankets for Lincoln before he was born - one small and one large. I started knitting a girly blanket before I was even pregnant with Addie and worked on it throughout my appointments. I finished it around week 36 of pregnancy. It is pink and green and really big. Part of me wanted to be content with it, but I really felt that she needed a purple blanket too.

So, even though she was due soon, I started making a little purple blanket.

And it only took eight months to complete. Since Addie arrived before my 39 week appointment, there was not a whole lot of time to work on it before my hands were occupied with a newborn.

My knitting time these days is almost exclusively when I am a passenger in a car. I miss the days of long road trips when I could knit half a baby blanket in a few days!

It's a great feeling to have finally finished this one. It's definitely one of my favorites. I used the Basketweave Blanket from Knit Baby Blankets!, which has been my go-to baby blanket pattern book for years. The corner-to-corner blanket is my specialty - no pattern needed anymore!

Lincoln seems to think that all the "blankies" in our house belong to him. He was trying very hard to help me set up the photo shoot.

I already have a new blanket on my needles - but this one's a gift. I'm hoping it doesn't take me another eight months to complete!

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