, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: I Need A Clone. Or Five.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I Need A Clone. Or Five.

An accurate representation of my kitchen table right now.

Is it already Wednesday? Yikes.

It's come to my attention that I try to do too many things. I've always been this way. My Timehop this morning had 4 years of Facebook statuses declaring that I need more time. Apparently I am stressed out on this, the day before Halloween, every year.

You'd think I would learn. I even thought I was preparing early this year. However, I'm freaking out because there simply are not enough hours to accomplish everything. And I can't even stay up all night (my normal solution) because my baby won't sleep without me.

I don't WANT to be a stressed-out, spastic, exhausted, grumpy mother who pleads with her kid to watch one more episode of Curious George so that I can sew. I don't want to lie in bed, snuggling my almost toddler and just be worried because I didn't get emails sent regarding dress rehearsals for my students next week.

I need to find a better balance. Or maybe stop doing some of these projects. But what do I give up? Crafts? Blog? Drama? I love it all. So that's a pretty big dilemma.

I'll be back when the crazy calms down a little bit!


  1. It's both exciting and terrifying should your wish come true as there already exist an application for patenting on natural human DNA.

    1. I was definitely being hypothetical. A real clone would totally freak me out!


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