, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: How to Survive Pregnancy with a Toddler: Playdates!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

How to Survive Pregnancy with a Toddler: Playdates!

I've mentioned this before, but it's still true - Lincoln and I are a little bit bored out of our minds in this house - and the further I get into my pregnancy, the worse it gets.  The weather is gorgeous, but he can't be trusted at the park since I can't keep up with him!  Every time it's nice outside, I debate about using our KC Zoo membership card, but that seems like altogether too much effort as well.  So, on days when I am especially needing a break, I call in reinforcements - Lincoln's best friend Grace and her mom Stephanie.

This particular day, Grace came over to play while her mama got a haircut!  The two of them spent most of the morning running around on our deck (aka playground), chasing each other, dragging each other by the hand, and "talking."  SO cute!

Lincoln moved quickly so that I wouldn't have evidence to share, but his latest trick is pushing the yellow Little Tikes chairs to the edge of the deck and climbing up to look over.  I'm a little bit terrified that he will scale the railing and jump off.  Yes, he is that crazy.

Grace posed for lots of cute photos for me while we played.  Lincoln, not so much.  The best shot I got was one where his mouth is stuffed full of cheese.  Oh well.  "Cheese" is one of his newest words and it is the.cutest.thing.ever.  I should teach him to say it for photos as right now, it's only associated with string cheese. 

We're so thankful for wonderful friends to make our long, tired days easier!

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