, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: Our Incredibly Late Christmas Cards

Friday, January 11, 2013

Our Incredibly Late Christmas Cards

Confession time: I haven't mailed our Christmas cards yet. 

Having a newborn is a valid excuse, right? 

I'll be sending them next week, finally.  I ordered two different cards because I loved the Merry Christmas design, but I also felt that since it's the middle of January, perhaps a New Year's Card was more appropriate.

So here they are!

Have you ever sent holiday cards long after the holiday has passed?  Next year, I plan to be way ahead of the game.


  1. I love your hair in the pictures, Julie! You look so pretty!! :)

    1. Thanks!! Pretty sure this was like one of two or three times I did my hair in 2012. :p Your card should come in the mail today!


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