, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: My Toddler's Favorite Foods {Toddler Time Tuesday}

Monday, March 17, 2014

My Toddler's Favorite Foods {Toddler Time Tuesday}

Friends, I have obviously failed at the weekly link-up post. I thought I had it in me to be diligent and post every single week. I honestly think my success rate would have been higher if my children had managed to stay healthy this winter. We are on week six of one or both of them (or all of us) being sick, and I am desperately hoping the end is near!

So, please take my mind off how many times I have wiped snot off someone's face today and let's have a fun discussion - about toddler food!

I wrote a post awhile back about what to feed a toddler, expecting that my kids would continue to eat the lovely variety represented and expand their taste buds often. HA. Apparently, that's not the way it works around here.

Lincoln has decided recently that he is not a fan of really anything. We battle over foods like pizza, chicken nuggets, and macaroni and cheese. Obviously I'm not being a food dictator when those are the options set before him! Sometimes he loves them and will eat with no reserve - and other times, he flat out refuses. Lately the only things he has actually wanted to eat are toast, crackers, and more toast.

Addie has a wider palate at the moment, thankfully. She refuses most grains and prefers to devour bits of most things offered - but she primarily prefers broccoli or cheese. She frequently asks for cheese at meal times.

Both kids are still eating me out of house and home with their applesauce consumption, and they will both nurse or eat sugar at any given opportunity. I know they aren't starving, but I wish I had more tricks to get them to enjoy eating healthy things like vegetables. I can only make muffins so often!

Now it's your turn! Link up a post below talking about your toddlers and their food habits. I'd love to hear some tips to inspire healthy eating habits! 

Director Jewels

Don't forget to plan ahead for our next toddler discussion!

Upcoming Toddler Time Tuesday Topics
March 25 - Mommy's Favorite Foods
  April 1 - Nursery Tour
  April 8 - Something You Love About Your Child

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