, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: 12 on 12 Photo Challenge {February 2013 Edition}

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

12 on 12 Photo Challenge {February 2013 Edition}

Every month, I have great intentions to participate in this fun photo challenge from Dear Lizzy - 12 on 12.  I never seem to remember, but today I thought of it halfway through the day and thought it was worth a shot (or twelve)!  The idea is to take a photo every hour of your day - or if like me your brain can't handle that much remembering, just take a dozen photos throughout your day, on the 12th day of the month.  It's so much fun to do things like this...I know it always makes me look at the smaller details of a day, which will likely be what I want to remember in twenty years.

Anyway!  Enough rambling - on to the photos!

Race Car Shapes Busy Bags

I was up so late last night working on the busy bags for the swap I participated in today.  Shout out to my hubby, who did just as much work as me and is now just as tired!  Another shout out to my mom, who came over this morning when I had to go re-laminate some things that I accidentally ruined last night...

Everything was finally put together in time to run out the door for the swap!

Apple Tree Counting Game Busy Bags

The Busy Bag Swap!

My kids obviously had different views about the whole swap event.  Lincoln was mad that I wouldn't let him down to run around wildly while I was distributing bags.  Adelaide thought the whole thing was overrated and promptly fell asleep.  Thank goodness for babywearing.

Back at home, everyone was tired and both kids took a lovely long nap.  First Lincoln wanted to hide under a blanket though.

Achievement of the day: sneaking in to get a picture of him actually sleeping in the toddler bed.  If only he could learn to fall asleep in it by himself!

Typical Toy Destruction.

When Lincoln got up, we watched Cars.  Addie was still asleep, and we were all waiting for Daddy to come home!


Sigh.  Waiting piles of laundry.  At least there are only a few piles at the moment.

Night owl princess loves this play mat.  I was waaay too zoned out tonight to do anything productive, even though I need to be planning a birthday party! 

Thanks for the photo challenge, Dear Lizzy!

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