, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: What's On Your... {May 2014}

Friday, May 23, 2014

What's On Your... {May 2014}

I always intend to write a post in this series every few months, but I just realized the last one was in December! Ahh! There are just so many wonderful things to write can I find the time?

Dresser | Well, I still haven't sorted my jewelry. I did throw out some really old lip balm recently. I think currently, there are only about five mismatched socks and a couple of shirts and maybe an Undercover Mama tossed on top right now.

Perennial To Do List | Video editing. I've finished three videos this month and have another in progress! I have hope. I still haven't managed to sew a dress for Addie, so that's going on this list.

Refrigerator Shelves | Leftover stuffed shells. Really, really leftover enchilada casserole. Organic corn on the cob that has probably gone bad. Supplies for broccoli cheddar soup. Probiotics for everyone. Flax oil because potty training is awful. Cherries. Strawberries. Grapes. Stonyfield Organic Yogurt.

Itinerary | Several trips this summer - Omaha, Branson, and Indianapolis. I'm so excited! And possibly crazy, to travel so much with toddlers.

Fantasy Itinerary | I've been seeing a lot of really gorgeous photos of Italy lately. I want to see Europe!

Playlist | Mindy Gledhill: A Pocketful of Poetry. Lots of kid stuff like Disney Jr. DJ Shuffle, Wee Sing Bible Songs, Laurie Berkner, and Anna & the Cupcakes.

Nightstand | A huge pile of board books, a couple of which are covered in applesauce from an unfortunate incident from when I tried to take a shower last week (shocking, right?). A bottle or two of water. There was a lip balm yesterday, but I think it fell off.

Workout Plan | I've been having weird stomach pain, so exercise of really any sort is out right now. If Addie ever sleeps longer than an hour on a consistent basis, I might try to start running again, though!

Phone | Voicemails from a mystery shop company who seems to desperately want my assistance. Cartwheel. Timehop. Etsy shop stats that I check far too often. Blurry photos of my kids.

Top 5 List | Big hugs around the neck from my girl. Hearing "Mommy, I not want to grow up" from my boy. My thriving little backyard garden. The potential for my Etsy shop. Summer possibilities.

Bucket List | Between my 30 by 30 and our Summer Bucket List - a ton of things!

Mind | Oh, heavens. This could go on for weeks. Some health issues. Addie's teeth. What to pack for vacation coming up soon. The play I haven't written yet for the drama class that starts in a few weeks. Things I learned recently about chiropractic care and genetic makeup and predisposition to certain conditions. My mind is weighed down right now. Trying to let go and trust that all will be well, but that's hard.

Blogroll | Sad face. I haven't read any blogs in weeks. I've been slammed and Bloglovin' has been the thing to go for the moment. Looking forward to reconnecting soon!

Walls of Your Favorite Room in Your House | It's the Super Nintendo Nursery. Always has been, likely always will be.

Last Credit Card Statement | Some groceries. Some takeout. Bill for the removal of Andrew's wisdom teeth.

Screensaver | Hasn't changed. A really sweet photo of Addie walking at Silver Dollar City, wearing her sock monkey hat and grinning. It's my favorite.

TV Every Night | New Girl. Currently season 2. The Nick and Jess kiss. Ahhhh!


  1. I love this, posted my own!


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