, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: 500 Posts + Celebrating Age 3

Thursday, February 20, 2014

500 Posts + Celebrating Age 3

Well, hi there! You may have noticed that every so often on this little old blog, I randomly disappear for a few days. These unplanned absences (yes, I say unplanned because I sit here looking at a calendar that listed a post to write every day last week and every day this week) always seem to coincide with major events in our home: drama performances, Halloween sewing marathons, and of course - birthdays.

The little boy who lives here turned three years old yesterday. THREE. Now, I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the craziness that I've been a mama for 1,096 days of my life - but we've been having fun celebrating Lincoln this week. At the same time, I'm planning a firetruck birthday party, taking care of sick little ones, and oh yeah - running that Etsy shop. All I have to say right now is thank goodness for Grandma.

In other news, this is my 500th Blog Post!!! That's a little bit crazy if you ask me, since I've only been blogging with purpose for a little over a year. All of those old vacation photos and Wordless Wednesday posts got us to this number, but it's exciting, anyway - right? Here's to the next 500 posts - and let's assume it won't take me four and a half years to get there, as it did for the first set!

I will be back with more content next week! Lots of fun things in the works...giveaways, party ideas, and all about my favorite cloth diapers!

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