, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Presents: DRAGONS is Coming to KC!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Presents: DRAGONS is Coming to KC!

Disclosure: As a Feld Family Ambassador, I will receive free tickets for my family to attend the event highlighted below. No other compensation has been received and all opinions are my own.

Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey Presents DRAGONS at Kansas City Sprint Center September 2013

I've never been to a circus. Crazy, right? I really don't know what I've been missing, but I hope to find out very soon! The Sprint Center here in Kansas City is welcoming Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey®: DRAGONS next week and I am thrilled that we will be able to take Lincoln and Addie for their very first circus experience.

Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey Presents DRAGONS at Kansas City Sprint Center September 2013

Here's the show description:
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Presents DRAGONS is a once in a millennium event that honors The Year of the Dragon. Circus performers from the farthest reaches of the earth have seembled for Ringling Bros.® Presents Dragons to showcase their astounding acts of bravery and astonishing athleticism. Ringling Bros. Ringmaster Johnathan Lee Iverson presides over this fantastical celebratory tournament of circus champions that brings together mystic dragon lore with authentic circus feats. Dragons is a never-before-seen blend of renowned spirtual and real life legends that can be found only at The Greatest Show on Earth®!

I don't know if Lincoln will want to sit still through the entire show, but I'm thinking between the dragons, animals, and stunts, he may be pretty well mesmerized!

Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey Presents DRAGONS at Kansas City Sprint Center September 2013

Dragons is coming to the Sprint Center and tickets are on sale now.  The show plays September 11-15.  Use promo code MOM to get $5 off your ticket purchase.  FF and other handling fees may apply.
Thank you to Feld Entertainment for providing my review tickets!  I received no other compensation and all views expressed are my own.  For more information, you can read my Disclosure Policy.


  1. I've never been to a circus, either! I honestly kinda of thought they were a thing of the past. You know, like you read in books and things. I mean, if you asked me, I might acknowledge that SOMEwhere in the world there might be a circus show at some point during the year. You know, like in China, or some place in the U.S. that I'd never ever go. You know, like San Diego. Oh, wait. I think that's a zoo.....

    1. I know! I'm so excited to actually see one in person. :)


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