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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Adelaide: 10 Months Old

I had three drama classes start last week and while I did manage to get Addie's month photos taken on the proper day, a blog post just did not happen. Better late than never, right?

Milestones: All that you want to do lately is move! You get faster at crawling every day. You pull up on everything. You also can stand on your own, for quite substantial amounts of time - a couple of days ago I counted and you stood for 37 seconds! I really thought you were going to take your time walking, but now I feel like it could be very soon!

There still isn't a lot of progress on the sleep front, but there have been small improvements. You still prefer to sleep on me (usually while nursing), but almost every day this week I have been able to put you down for at least one nap and sometimes two. You even slept for an hour and a half one day recently. For us? That's a miracle. I love all the snuggling, though, and am trying to appreciate it while it lasts. Even on nights when I can't set you down at all.

You love to eat. We are still doing mostly baby-led weaning, but we haven't done well with meal planning this month so our meals have been interesting and not necessarily baby friendly (ie, we ordered pizza at least twice last week. Don't judge). Your tummy also doesn't love when you eat huge amounts of solid foods. I try to keep up with making food for you - like homemade pear puree - but again, haven't done great with that. So it's a split between baby-led weaning, homemade baby food, and organic fruit and veggie pouches. You still nurse all the time - at least 8 times a day and probably two to three times in the night.

I think you are really trying to talk to us! I'm pretty sure "mama" and "dada" are real words now. You also repeat "ba-ba-ba" when I say "baby," "pup-pup-pup" when I say "puppy," and the other day I think you said "na-na" when I said "nurse." Lincoln's first word (ball) was not until he was 16 months old, so this is crazy fun (and weird) for us!

You started clapping your hands when we went to the circus and now it is one of your favorite things to do. You clap anytime someone says "yay" or when we say "Addie, clap your hands!" So cute that you understand what we are saying.

Loves: Your favorite person is Lincoln. You chase him around all day. He has also become quite demanding when it comes to what you are doing. As soon as you wake up in the morning, he shouts "MOMMY! Baby 'wake! Baby, crawl! DOWN! Baby, crawl!" and he crawls with you up the hallway to the living room to start the day of play. 

You've been snuggling with Daddy a lot this month and have spent a lot of time watching TV and sleeping on his shoulder lately. You get so excited when he comes home from work every day!

Hates: You still don't like sleeping. You don't like to sit in the car unless it is moving. You don't like having your diaper changed - too many other fun things to do.

You want to be involved in everything that is going on. You are constantly watching to see where Lincoln is or what I am doing, and if you aren't allowed to join in, you are less than pleased!

Weight/Height: Your rolls are disappearing and I didn't realize how much I loved all that chubbiness. You have pretty much outgrown 6-9 month clothes and are wearing 9-12 month now. I've been purchasing 12-18 month outfits for fall and I think you'll fit into them soon. Your hair is coming in slowly, but it's fluffy and I love it. I keep pinching it to see how soon I can clip something in - still a ways to go, I think.

Now that you are ten months old, we are less than two months from your first birthday. And that, my little princess, is just all kinds of crazy. I've started pinning party ideas and I can't wait to craft some clever projects for you. I'm trying to enjoy these last weeks when you are still my tiny baby - before you turn into a rambunctious little toddler!


  1. I've been waiting for this post. ;) I was just thinking the other day about how she just turned 10 months. I can't believe how fast this year has flown. You have a birthday day after tomorrow, and Addie and I have one in November. We're all just getting older too fast!

    1. I know - it is CRAZY! This first year with Addie seems to be going much faster than Lincoln's first year did.


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