, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: Simple Moments v.13

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Simple Moments v.13

 Another Thursday has rolled around, so it's time for another simple moments post.  Time, you can slow down whenever you like. 

I'm still not getting a lot of sleep, so my brain capacity isn't super conducive to writing interesting stories.  So I'm just sharing a couple of favorite moments this week.

Bedtime Stories.  Really?  This is the ultimate picture of what I envisioned my life would be like when I finally had my own little ones.  And the moments like this (even after a day of fussing and craziness) are just delightful.

photo originally shared on Instagram

Just a Date.  Hubby and I went on a kids-free date to Red Robin this week - where I can eat an almost normal meal even while on a dairy-free diet.  Bottomless French Fries=super yum.  Also, dinner where we can hear each other talk?  Amazing.

Chubby Baby.  I know I talk about her chubbiness a lot.  But I can't get over it.  Lincoln was super lean.  Her rolls are killing me.  And look at those gorgeous big blue eyes!  I am pretty sure they're Daddy's eyes - so chances are, they may stay blue!

That's it for today.  I hope your week has been beautiful!


  1. Ok- the similarities bn our kids is so funny! Trip was lean and Greyson is my chubster! I love it, too!!

    1. Haha, I am so glad you put your kids names in this comment. I was going...who is this Gremlin commenting on all my posts tonight?! lol! :p


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