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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Simple Moments v.6

It's kind of a low-key day around here, and the baby has actually napped.  This makes me very happy and a lot easier to live with!  Here are a few of the simple moments we've enjoyed this week.

--Shopping for new socks.  And realizing when you are 45 minutes from home in a random store bathroom that you have one single wipe left in the diaper bag.

--Lincoln's complete obsession with brushing his teeth.

--Pretty headbands and Sunday best outfits - before poopspolosions ruin them!  This outfit is size 0-3 months and came with the cutest gray skinny leggings.  Addie's ankles are too big for them already.

--Until you are a mom, you really cannot comprehend how beautiful it is to eat a meal by yourself with no one climbing on you, nursing, or mooching your food.  Mom confession: sometimes when Lincoln is asleep I eat his GoGo Squeez.  The Apple Cherry is my favorite.

--Finishing our third trilogy in the last month.  Do we get bonus points for the third "trilogy" actually being all eight Harry Potter films?  I think yes.

--When your mama lets you eat marshmallows on the kitchen floor.

What simple moments are you celebrating this week?


  1. Love these you have a beautiful Family!

  2. Very the marshmallows on the floor!

  3. Love the eating marshmallows on the floor! I'm here from Simple as That. Look forward to browsing through your blog.

  4. How well you captured the real life and its everyday beauty ♥

  5. Such precious photos. I love the one with you and your baby in the mirror. I have a similar photo when my not yet gone pregnant (looking) belly was still very obvious but I love the photo any way. Such a sweet, sweet time. ENJOY!

  6. So true about eating alone---something I never liked before motherhood. Love the bathroom mirror shot as well!

  7. I had to leave a comment becaue you have an Adelaide too! Not a very common name! My little girl is 19 month. Your Adelaide is darling!


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