, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: It's-a-Nintendo Super Mario Brothers Halloween!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

It's-a-Nintendo Super Mario Brothers Halloween!

I was a bit of a blogging slacker last year around this time, so our Halloween photos never quite made it into a post.  I am currently brainstorming on what to do about costumes this year (yes, I know Halloween is less than a week away) and decided it was time to remedy the situation.  These photos were too cute not to share!

Daddy picked out our theme this year when he decided that Lincoln should be dressed as Toad.  As a good, responsible wife who has learned more Nintendo and Mario Brothers history than I ever thought possible, I knew immediately that our little Toad would need some people to complement him and make his costume more believable.  So the quest to find and/or make the perfect costumes for all of us began!

Thankfully, I already had the perfect Princess Peach dress on hand!  It's been hanging out in my collection ever since I wore it as a bridesmaid in a friend's antebellum-themed wedding several years ago.  I added a blue medallion and blonde wig - and poof!  Instant Peach.

It was too late in the game for me to make overalls for Daddy by the time I figured out that this was the plan - and it actually took me forever to track down a pair.  Finally found them at Walmart (of all places), but I worried for awhile that the whole idea would fall apart.  The Mario hat we hat on hand from another Mario costume that didn't fit quite right.

And as for Lincoln - his shirt is just an inside-out onesie, the pants are from Carter's.  The vest I sewed out of felt - it took all of ten minutes to make.  And his hat, we picked up at a costume shop a few weeks ago.  It was adult-sized, which didn't work super well.  I spent some time experimenting and ended up attaching it to a basic white baby cap (so that it wasn't dropping over his face), and added a chin strap to keep it atop his head.

I wasn't sure how well he would handle wearing a hat that was twice the size of his head - but he really didn't even seem to notice it.  For the most part, anyway.

After some family fun and playing with his cousin at the park, we headed out to the annual Trunk or Treat at church.  And thanks to our awesome costumes - we even tied for first place in the trunk contest (just like our Scooby Doo costumes helped us win in 2010)!

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