, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: She's My Favorite Girl

Saturday, April 4, 2015

She's My Favorite Girl

Disclosure: I received an outfit for Addie to review. All opinions expressed are my own. 

"You're my favorite girl." 

I say this all the time. It might be when we're reading books on the couch in the morning. It might be as I lift her into her not-for-babies booster seat for lunch. Often, it's when we're snuggled up in the rocking chair late at night and she's drifting to sleep.

Being a mama is so very complex. There are more frustrations and emotions in my mind at any given time of day than ever before in my lifetime. There's the task of remembering who had their vitamins at breakfast and who still needs them at lunch, on top of the realization that the never-ending battle to conquer the laundry has been temporarily set aside and the resulting avalanche is an impending doom.

In the midst of the crazy, I want to make time to assure my kids that they are the brightest joys in my day. And this is definitely not the easiest task I've undertaken...because they don't always act like creatures who should cause joy.

This little girl is currently all about drama, and she can be downright cantankerous if she feels like it. For example: when I told her "let's put on this pretty dress from FabKids, Addie!" this week, she fell into a million pieces and had to be literally bribed with a snack bar to take some photos for me. But she's still my favorite and I wish I would always respond to her poor attitude in a way that reflects my heart. And at the end of the day, when I watch her sleep, I often want to go back and take back a sigh or a moment of frustration.

But then I think...if I were to show her absolute perfection at all times, it would be a tough game for her to play as she grows up. Right now, she's forming memories and experiences that will shape who she is as a woman - and a mom - someday. Rather than having her expect things to be sunny and bright and brilliant all the time, I'm okay if she gets the chance to watch me model a lack of patience and a need for more joy. If I can muster up the courage to apologize to my kids when I'm wrong, tell them when mommy needs a break, and strive for the best days we can have in spite of all of our faults, that will probably do more for her character than just giving her a shiny, perfect life.

Here's to reminding our children that they're our favorites - and that we're their biggest cheerleaders - at all times, not just when things are sunny. I know that I need to hear someone is on my side when I'm down! Chances are, she needs to hear it, too.

You can find FabKids monthly outfit subscriptions with a VIP membership starting at $29.95/month, or purchase individual pieces with a regular membership.

Thanks to FabKids for providing the outfit featured in today's post. All opinions expressed are my own. For more information, you can read my Disclosure Policy.  

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