, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: Adorable Purple & Teal Owl Birthday Party Invitations

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Adorable Purple & Teal Owl Birthday Party Invitations

Adorable #Owl Birthday Party Invitations at #Owls #FirstBirthday #Party #BirthdayParty #Invitations

I've had a mild obsession with owls as a first birthday party theme ever since I was struck with the idea to use these cute creatures as inspiration for Addie's first birthday party. I have a lot of owl-inspired merchandise in my Etsy shop, and even though the owl trend may have seen the height of its glory, I still love them.

I realized the other day that I never shared the invitations I created for Addie's first birthday party last November. Setting aside the fact that her birthday is four months from tomorrow and that I need to start thinking about second birthday party invitations (gulp), I think this project is just too cute not to share.

Adorable #Owl Birthday Party Invitations at #Owls #FirstBirthday #Party #BirthdayParty #Invitations

I couldn't find an invitation design to print or purchase that was just perfect for my teal and purple party vision, so I created my own. These were a lot more complicated than my easy DIY Mickey Mouse Clubhouse invitations, because they required a lot of custom drawing (thanks, hubby) and seven different paper types, brads, two ribbons, and three kinds of adhesive.

The owl's body is hand-drawn and the blue piece under the eyes was cut to fit. The eye circles were cut using punches. The wings were hand-drawn and consist of two layers of paper plus brads that allow them to flap out of the way to show the party information on the white paper below.

Adorable #Owl Birthday Party Invitations at #Owls #FirstBirthday #Party #BirthdayParty #Invitations

I think my favorite part is the double ribbon bow on top. Or maybe the chevron wings. Or the glittery nose. I honestly can't make up my mind. But these were my favorite invitation yet! I'm not sure I'll ever out-do them creatively!

Adorable #Owl Birthday Party Invitations at #Owls #FirstBirthday #Party #BirthdayParty #Invitations

I don't have a tutorial ready for these because they were so much more complicated. They may turn up for sale as a custom listing in my shop one of these days, though!


  1. If i can order 150 invitations. im willing to pay the price.

    1. I hope to get these listed in my Etsy shop at some point! Will update with a link when that happens.


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