, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: Toddler Time Tuesdays: New Weekly Link-Up!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Toddler Time Tuesdays: New Weekly Link-Up!

I didn't make resolutions this year, but I have made a somewhat conscious effort to be more intentional with this, my little piece of the web. I thought it might be fun to start a weekly link-up to share stories about the fun miniature humans I spend my days entertaining. Since I'm sure some of you are in the same place - keeping up with toddlers all day - I'm sure you have stories to share as well!

So, here's the deal. Every Tuesday, we'll have a themed link-up to talk about our toddlers. I'll provide a theme and you can link up any relevant post - old or new. Those are all the rules I have for now but I'll reserve the right to add more if needed! My post will (hopefully) go live sometime on Monday evening to give you plenty of time to join the party!

I hope you'll consider joining in next week for our first link-up! Here are the topics for the first few weeks. Have a suggestion for something we should all share? Send me an email or leave a comment with your idea!

Toddler Time Tuesday Topics
January 14 - Introduce Your Toddlers!
January 21 - Favorite Indoor Toddler Activity 
January 28 - Bedtime Routines
February 4 - Favorite Books

If you participate, make sure you grab the button below for your post!

Director Jewels

I can't wait to launch this fun link-up next week!


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