, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: Five.

Monday, August 5, 2013


Five years ago last Friday, I married my best friend.

Five years ago. F-I-V-E.

I find that more than just a little crazy. It doesn't really seem like it was just yesterday anymore, but it definitely doesn't feel like so much time has passed.

People told us that the first year of married life would be the hardest. They were wrong. The first couple of years - when we had two incomes, multiple vacations a year (Disney and NYC in the span of four months? Yes please), and the ability to sleep late without worrying our toddler would burn the house down - were pretty much bliss.

That's not to say things aren't still great. It's just different. It's hard living on one income, it's hard being responsible for little people who don't sleep and fuss if you give them the wrong color sippy cup. I would give just about anything to go on a vacation, except I'm not sure it would be worth it since I would likely be in the backseat making silly faces and singing "Winnie the Pooh" at the top of my lungs for multiple hours in a row.

We have good days, frustrating days, and days where we are too tired to even talk to each other by the time the kids are asleep. Everybody keeps telling me things are just going to get crazier, but I like to imagine that we'll all function a little bit better when we're out of this sleep-deprived stage of life. For now, we're just taking it a day (or an hour) at a time.

We didn't plan anything big to celebrate our anniversary, because it's just not practical with an infant who nurses constantly and screams bloody murder if she can't see mommy at all times. So we went to a little local Italian restaurant (it wasn't terribly overpriced thanks to Groupon) and received slow enough service that we missed any reasonable movie showtimes. We weren't crushed - just thankful we didn't have the kids with us for dinner. Instead of a movie, we went to Target to get a birthday gift for our niece, and got home by 9:45pm to take back the screaming baby.

This, friends, is what a real-life 5th anniversary celebration looks like:

While we would like more sleep - it's still a good life. And there is no one else with whom I would rather spend it.

Love you, babe. Here's to 50 more years!


  1. Thats adorable! Wait till you get to 13 like me..i dont even brush my hair anymore...err...too much information?


    1. LOL Trisha! 13 years is awesome! I tried to leave my hair down so it would look reasonable at our anniversary dinner but caved and put it in a ponytail at like 10am. And I didn't really care. :p


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