, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: vacation - day 2.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

vacation - day 2.

Day 2 (Friday, January 15) began as we docked in Nassau, Bahamas. We woke up late and were rushed, so we didn't have much time to explore the city in the morning. However, we got in a few stops at some souvenir shops - like this one, where we met a pirate. Arrghh.

Here's part of our ship!

We went on an excursion to a coral reef, where we snorkeled for an hour. Andrew bought me a sweet underwater camera case for Christmas, so we used it to take these neat shots. No, it did not leak and yes, the camera survived. :) Great little toy to have!

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming....

Back on the tour boat, taking pictures of the coast with the new camera.

Also pictures of the water. Love my new camera!

The street market we visited on our way back to the ship. I had wanted to go here earlier, but had forgotten to bring cash off the ship... So this time I was prepared for some serious fast bargain shopping.

Friday night was Pirates IN the Caribbean Night onboard the ship. I had heard of this party, and brought some appropriate Pirate attire (arrrghh!), so that unlike everyone else on the ship, we did not have to go purchase Pirate wear at the gift shop - AND we looked unique. Oh yeah. Here we are with Captain Jack Sparrow himself.

The show of the evening was Toy Story the Musical. We prefer EPIC musicals, but as far as cute kid shows go, this was fun. Lots of giant costumes and sets to give the idea that the actors were really toys.

Our restaurant that evening, Animator's Palate, had some beautiful photos on the wall like this one. They faded in and out of color throughout the night. The restaurant started out all black and white and at the end of the night had a very colorful scheme. It was cool.

Fireworks off the deck at the Pirates party! Argghh!

The deck party was loud and crazy. But we're in the middle of the ocean. So who cares, right?

Ahoy, mateys! Day three be comin' soon!

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