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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Apple Picking Preschool Math Game & Busy Bag

Last year, I participated in a really fun Busy Bag Swap with some other local toddler and preschool moms. It was great - groups of ten mamas each put together ten of the same busy bags and we met up to exchange them. Everyone ended up with ten totally different projects and activities to do with their kids. I actually participated in two groups, so I came home with twenty bags! My kids were both a little young to do any of the activities back then, but I knew I would be glad to have the resources when I started homeschool preschool this fall - and I was right.

One of the bags I made for the swap was based the Apple Tree Number Bag from Motherhood on a Dime (I found it - of course - on Pinterest).

Because I'm an overachiever, I made my trees out of felt instead of paper. I thought they might hold up longer with the toddler crowd, and felt is one of my favorite craft mediums, so I figured - why not. The number cards, which feature a number character on the front and corresponding dots on the back were printed and laminated.

My kids are crazy about "apple trees" now that we are in the swing of doing preschool activities regularly. Addie doesn't grasp that there is a purpose to the game and mostly just throws the pom-pom apples around the room, but Lincoln loves it.

The basic game premise is: place all the apples on the tree, draw a number card from the pile, identify the number and pull off that many apples, then flip the card over to match the apples with the dots and see if you got it right.

He usually gets bored after he has done 3-5 cards, but he is genuinely enjoying learning about counting and numbers, so I have no complaints!

It was a really easy craft to make and is stored so nicely in a gallon-size Ziploc bag. One day I might remember to take a busy bag with me when we go to a restaurant, right? For now, we're at least having fun with them at home.

For more toddler and preschooler busy bag ideas, check out my Busy Bag Pinterest Board!

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