, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: "Destruction" Series 4 Board Book Review + Giveaway {Feel the Love Blog Hop}

Friday, January 31, 2014

"Destruction" Series 4 Board Book Review + Giveaway {Feel the Love Blog Hop}

Disclosure: I was sent this book series for review. No other compensation was received and all views expressed are my own.

Welcome to the Feel the Love Giveaway Hop hosted by the Blogging Mamas Network.

We've gone through a lot of phases with Lincoln and reading. Sometimes he loves books, sometimes he doesn't seem to care about them at all - and of course, there was that time he destroyed four library books in a week. That was awesome.

But when I heard about the DESTRUCTION board book series by Erin Edison from Capstone Young Readers, there was no hesitation in my mind. These, he would love.

It's no secret that my boy is obsessed with trucks, but he's really a big fan of anything that has wheels, is noisy, or is messy. So the titles in this series - Crush It!; Knock It Down!; Blow It Up!; and Shred It! - are right up his alley. 

I originally thought about saving these books for his third birthday, but he spotted them on my blogging shelf and said "what's that, Mommy?!" The bright colors and eye-catching designs were not easy to hide from his curious eye!

He is content to sit with these books for ten minutes at a time - in Lincoln time, that's way beyond impressive. The books feature buildings being imploded, swinging wrecking balls, and explosions galore. Lincoln (of course) is always quick to point out the "dirty wheels" on the rusty old car that's headed for the car crusher.

Every page features an interactive element of some sort and Lincoln loves finding each new activity. There are wrecking balls to swing, flaps to lift, and buildings to destroy with the pull of a tab. This set of four books has withstood countless uses by my toddler who is very hard on books (remember that story about the destroyed library books?). 

The interactive quality is fantastic. This book series is a unique find, and one that I will highly recommend to moms of boys for years to come. It will likely be a go-to gift for us to bring to birthday parties, as well (because I would rather gift books than yet another toy)!

I have been collecting children's books most of my life, and I worked at a library for seven years before I had kids. I can say with 100% honesty that these books from Capstone Publications are the highest quality board books I have ever encountered. The pages are very heavy. The pull tabs are sturdy enough to withstand constant toddler tugging. Each of the movable pieces is secured inside the book page so that small pieces cannot come loose and become lost. I am often hesitant to buy books with moving pieces because they simply don't last long in our house. I wish all board books for little boys were made like this collection!

You can follow Capstone Young Readers on Facebook to stay up-to-date on the latest releases. If you're looking to purchase the DESTRUCTION series, you can find more info here.

Lincoln loves these books - and if you have a small boy in your family, chances are he will, too!


One Director Jewels reader will win a collection of all four DESTRUCTION books, plus the ultimate reading accessory: a bright yellow hard hat! ARV $52. This giveaway will end on February 14 at 11:59pm CST.  This giveaway is open to US readers only.

To enter the giveaway, follow the instructions in the Rafflecopter form below (you may need Javascript enabled to see the form and it may take a moment to load)! Once you complete the first entry, the other options will open up so that you can complete them as well.  All of the "extra entries" are optional - you can do just one, or as many as you want! Winners will be contacted by email and have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. Good luck!

Once you finished entering my giveaway, hop on over and enter to win the lovely Grand Prize - where you'll find a Maggie Bags Butterfly Bag, a delicious spread of Lovely Candy Co, and a girl's best friend - jewelry thanks to Jewelry in Candles by Karine!


Love is in the air as Valentine's Day approaches and I've joined with a group of bloggers who want you to Feel the Love this February! Each blogger in this Hop has a giveaway worth at least $25 that you are sure to love!

Disclosure: So Easy Being Green, Viva Veltoro, the Blogging Mamas Network, and the Feel the Love participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations. I received book samples for review. All opinions expressed are my own. For more information, you can read my Giveaway Policy and my Disclosure Policy.


  1. U love Knock It Down.. Looks neat and my nephew would LOVE them. Thanks

  2. I'm most excited about the Shred It! book.

  3. I'm excited for Knock It Down. It sounds like something my son would love!

  4. My boys would love these! Knock it down is a game they love to play together so I am certain they would love that book!

  5. I think my boys would like them all. especially Shred It!

  6. My son would love to look through these and laugh along with the noises. Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. My nephew would love Knock It Down!;

  8. All of them. Seriously. You've met my son :P

    1. Hahaha! This is true. He would think they are awesome! :)

  9. I think my son would like Knock It Down.

  10. I think my son would love them all but especially Knock it Down.

  11. My nephew would LOVE Blow it Up.

  12. I know my grandson would love them all! If I had to take a guess at which one he would like best, I would say it would be "Knock it Down."

  13. Probably Blow It Up, because blowing stuff up is cool.

  14. I think my nephew would like knock it down the most.

  15. I'm most excited for Blow It Up! Everybody like blowing stuff up...right? LOL

  16. I like bow it up!

  17. The Crush It book looks like lots of fun!

  18. My son would L-O-V-E these. I haven't heard of them before. It's a great way to get him excited about reading!! I think the Knock It Down would be his favorite.

  19. Knock it down! LOL these are so funny i love them!

  20. I like Blow It Up, which is exactly what my husband did with a 2 liter and mentos last night. And no, these books aren't for him. But I'm sure he'll enjoy them.

  21. Would love them all but I think knock it down would be my favorite.

  22. I'm most excited about crush it!

  23. My nephews would love "Blow it Up!" They are boys after all!

  24. My two boys would love this! They are totally into construction vehicles so this is right down their alley of interests!

  25. I think the Knock It Down! book looks like it would be so fun! These are great!

  26. My boys would love Knock It Down.
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  27. "Crush It" would be Nolan's favorite

  28. I think LO would like Crush It the best!

  29. I think my little guy would like them all. He is totally into trucks and stacking things just so he can knock them down.

  30. Crush it! These books sound like so much fun!

  31. I'm most excited about Knock it Down. My son would love it.

  32. Shred It! is my favorite title, it really takes me back to the early 90's! These books look like a lot of fun.

  33. All of them! We need more "boy" books :)

  34. Our Son would love the Blow it Up book. Thank you for another super giveaway opportunity. Please keep up the terrific blogging.

  35. I feel like my son would enjoy Blow It Up the most.

  36. Knock It Down - Carter is more into knocking things over right now

  37. I'm most excited about Blow It Up! Thanks.

  38. Knock it down! My kiddos would love these books and the hard hat would be a special added touch! Thanks for the chance!

  39. I'm most excited about crush it!

  40. knock it down - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  41. Blow it up!

    osggiveaways at gmail dot com

  42. I am most excited about knock it down.

  43. I think Knock it Down will be a favorite in this house :)

  44. Blow it Up
    sstrode at scrtc dot com


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