I spent about half of my delightful four-day weekend with my foot wrapped in bandages, propped up on pillows. I don't mix well with outdoorsy activities. We were in Osage Beach for Seth and Elisha's wedding over the weekend. I naturally wore a cute (short) dress to the wedding and ended up with 8 or so large mutant bug bites on my legs. We stayed at a house on the Lake that belongs to Andrew's mom's friend. All was fine and well until I tripped up a stone staircase and ripped off about half of the underside of my right big toe. It bled, was disgusting, and hurt terribly. It was also pretty hard to walk until I got used to balancing on the side of my foot. I'm just counting down til it's healed enough that I can exercise again. I feel like a slob. Meh.
Anyway, other than that catastrophe, the weekend was lovely. Very pretty wedding, long car trip with my hubby, chocolate after my foot disaster, and lots of lazing about at home watching movies and like half of Bones Season 1. I finished the Ms. Scrooge DVD, which has been a lingering project since last November. I had lunch with Laura at Panera and then went on a mad shopping spree at Archiver's - the most amazing scrapbooking store! It's a really good thing the closest store is nearly an hour away from me. I would spend so much money there if I visited on a regular basis! Anyway, I got tons of scrapbooking goodness and am now happily page-planning my honeymoon scrapbook. I hope to get it finished by the end of June!! :)
Since I'm spending a lot of time looking at my NYC honeymoon pics, I'm wishing we had an upcoming New York trip. I've spent all of 9 days there in my lifetime, but it still feels like a second home.
This week promises to be a little less crazy. Just working and trying to get caught up on all the projects. It seems that every time I finish something, three more things pop up that suddenly must be completed. I do have hope that one day I will be actually really caught up.
In other news, I seem to have lost a $50 Bed Bath and Beyond giftcard. I'm rather unhappy about that.
And that's life! Thanks for listening. Must run... have to get back to the crazy madness we like to call "Summer Reading Program at the Library." Summertime is here!!
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