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Monday, February 1, 2016

"Let It Glow" Frozen Valentines + Free Printable

Frozen Valentines, "Let It Glow" Frozen Inspired Classroom Valentine Cards, Glow Stick Valentine Card at

Need a unique classroom Valentine idea? Wow the class and Let it GLOW with these easy DIY Frozen Glow Stick Valentines. They're like little magical snow queen wands! They only take a few minutes to put together and they're not expensive. Perfect for last-minute crafters like myself.

Frozen Valentines, "Let It Glow" Frozen Inspired Classroom Valentine Cards, Glow Stick Valentine Card at

"Let It Glow" Frozen Valentines
Supplies Needed

-Blue Glow Stick Bracelets
-Snowflakes (I had wooden ones in my craft stash, but you could make them from paper or even buy stickers or foam pieces)
-Hole Punch
-Hot Glue Gun & Glue
-"Let It Glow" Printable - download it here.

Frozen Valentines, "Let It Glow" Frozen Inspired Classroom Valentine Cards, Glow Stick Valentine Card at


1. Print your valentines. There are six to a sheet.

Frozen Valentines, "Let It Glow" Frozen Inspired Classroom Valentine Cards, Glow Stick Valentine Card at

2. Use hole punch to punch out the black circles. Place a glow stick through each valentine.

Frozen Valentines, "Let It Glow" Frozen Inspired Classroom Valentine Cards, Glow Stick Valentine Card at

3. Use hot glue to attach the snowflakes to the top of each glow stick.

Frozen Valentines, "Let It Glow" Frozen Inspired Classroom Valentine Cards, Glow Stick Valentine Card at

There you have it! This little fixer-upper project takes just a few minutes and will delight a whole classroom. It may also possibly cause your child's teacher some mental exhaustion from the subsequent belting of the entire soundtrack of a certain popular film beloved by children of all ages. Oh well. If you're volunteering in class that day, just make sure that you sing along! Or don't - depending on whether or not you value your relationship with the teacher.

Frozen Valentines, "Let It Glow" Frozen Inspired Classroom Valentine Cards, Glow Stick Valentine Card at

My kids always love glow sticks, and I always hate holidays that only involve candy. This is a relatively inexpensive option for a candy-free valentine treat - and it's easy enough that kids can help put it together for their friends!

Frozen Valentines, "Let It Glow" Frozen Inspired Classroom Valentine Cards, Glow Stick Valentine Card at

The snowflakes work well since Valentine's Day happens to fall in winter, but there's no reason why you couldn't make glow stick snowflake wands any time of the year! My kids loved playing with these.

Frozen Valentines, "Let It Glow" Frozen Inspired Classroom Valentine Cards, Glow Stick Valentine Card at

What kind of valentines are your kids giving out this year? 

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