, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: All the Lost Things & No Yeti Yet {Children's Book Review}

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

All the Lost Things & No Yeti Yet {Children's Book Review}

Disclosure: I received a review copy of each book. No other compensation was received and all views expressed are my own. 

I used to work in a library, and I was always mesmerized by new children's books when they came in. It was a joy to find new stories to read and recommend to families with kids. I found a few of my favorite children's authors that way, and I was reluctant to give up that insider's access to new books when I quit my job to stay home full time. Thankfully, I have found many opportunities to review new books to hit the children's publishing market and that has been so much fun!

The latest titles I want to share with you are new from Peter Pauper Press for the fall.

All the Lost Things by Kelly Canby (this is her picture book debut) was released in August and is aimed at ages 4-8. This very unique tale has a fresh illustrative style, with the text working often as part of the image. It's about a little girl named Olive who is the only spark of color left in a drab city where the rest of the inhabitants have lost their sense of meaning and most importantly: their hope. Olive hears a mysterious noise and finds herself in an underground world, where she sifts through all the lost things and takes them out with her to make her world a better place. When I saw the title, I envisioned a book about actual things that people lost and never returned to retrieve (like shoes, toys, or umbrellas), but the twist of having the things be more meaningful - memory, eyesight, hope and more - made this story one that I am anxious to read over again with my kids. My kids are 4 and 2 and they thought this was a very fun read.

No Yeti Yet by Mary Ann Fraser (author of over 60 critically acclaimed children's books) is also aimed at ages 4-8 and was released in September.

This book is stinking adorable. My kids are obsessed with snow creatures (thanks to a certain classic Christmas film) and they giggled their way through multiple readings of this story about two brothers who set out on a mission to find a Yeti. Their adventures cover a lot of ground, plenty of sledding and skating, and even a spooky cave exploration. The two boys aren't aware that the very Yeti they seek helps them along their way. The relationship between the brothers is definitely the sweetest part of this story - it reminds me of listening to my son try to explain things that he doesn't completely understand to his little sister. Whether or not this big brother knows everything there is to know about a Yeti is irrelevant - he knows he wants to find one and that's good enough for the little brother, too. There's no way I will be able to put this story away with holiday books - the kids ask to read it all the time.

Both titles have been big hits around here and I can't wait to see what comes up next from Peter Pauper Press!

Thanks to Peter Pauper Press for my review copies. I received no other compensation and all views expressed are my own. For more information, you can read my Disclosure Policy.

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