, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: (Kind Of) Wordless Wednesday: First Joint Nap in the Nursery

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

(Kind Of) Wordless Wednesday: First Joint Nap in the Nursery

It would be a wordless post, but I feel that I've been silenced forever what with the internet issues that are finally resolved.  I had a huge naptime struggle with Adelaide today. She has been barely sleeping at all the past few weeks, and I'm getting stressed out and exhausted from fighting her over sleep.

Today was no exception - she did not nap at all until I got her to sleep at 12:20, then Lincoln woke her up, then she screamed for awhile, until I finally nursed her back to sleep at around 1. What's super remarkable about today is that while I was dealing with her, I told Lincoln it was time for a nap - and though he fussed a little, he let me put him in his bed, asked for his "me" (binky), and went to sleep all on his own.

He's never done that. Part of me is pretty excited. But I mostly want to cry, because my little boy doesn't need me to rock him to sleep anymore. 

Obviously my emotions are out of control.


  1. Don't cry. This is a good thing! :)

  2. What happened to your internet?

    1. It randomly stopped working last Thursday. We don't know why. And it did not get fixed until yesterday, despite talking to almost two dozen people. I was seriously frustrated!


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