, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: cards, cards, cards!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

cards, cards, cards!

I've always wanted to be that domestic diva who makes cards for every occasion under the sun and just has them sitting around, waiting to be sent out on a whim.

I may not quite have attained that goal, but I'm making progress. Check out my creativity from just the past two days. Incredible.

I realize that all of these birthday cards have a very similar theme - but hey, it's super easy to make a pile of cards when you have only a handful of supplies in front of you. No big decisions to make. :)

And since it's wedding season, a few cards of that nature...

Loving that I can sometimes find time to craft!! And I knocked a whole bunch of things off the to-do list. It's been a pretty good week so far.
Also I have cute hair. That really helps my outlook on life.

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