, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: Ch-ch-changes.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Well, hi.

I'm not sure how many regular readers I have out there, but if there are any of you, you may have noticed that I haven't been around much this summer. It's not for lack of effort. I have dozens of posts drafted online, on paper, on the voice recorder on my phone, and (especially) in my mind. There just aren't enough hours in the day - or enough courage to hit publish when I actually do get the words written in cohesive form somewhere.

Life has thrown some rather unexpected curves in the path of my little family this year. Like, really unexpected. I'm figuring out where blogging fits into the scheme of things right now. I won't be giving up this dear little space of mine here in the big wide Internet, but there will likely be a few changes in the coming weeks and months.

When I started this blog, it was to share my latest scrapbooking designs and vacation adventures. Then I had babies and it was a place to chronicle stories about them, or talk about the latest baby products on the market. Lately, though, I've had a somewhat nagging feeling that I should spend some time refocusing what content makes it to the blog. Lincoln will turn five next year. He's already said to me several times "don't put it on your blog, mommy" when I am taking photos of him. He's not just a baby. He's a little person with very big emotions and a heart that's been entrusted to me. I have to be careful how much of his story I share with the whole world. I'll be carefully considering anything that I share about him and his sister from this point forward - and I'll be redesigning the blog look at some point, to feature fewer personal photos and a somewhat more streamlined feel.

That said, I think occasionally I do put together some family-related content that seems to be appreciated. There are thousands of pins leading to my site on Pinterest. I don't want to see that come to an end! I'll be (hopefully) ramping up my crafting and party post sections, and maybe adding in more travel posts as I'm able, too. The occasional essay on motherhood may show up in there, since sometimes I decide that I should share deep thoughts with the world.

There will also continue to be some product reviews and sponsored content shared here. I hope that you're not annoyed by any of these things. Product reviews are often how I collect Christmas gifts for my kids, and sponsored posts and advertising bring in some cash to support my family. This little blog is actually a big piece of the income available for us right now, so while I'd love to be the blogger with a shiny site featuring no advertisements ever... that's just not gonna happen here, my friends.

I want to give you my heartfelt thanks for reading to the end of this post (if you've made it this far!). Leave me a comment and let me know what you like most about this blog... I'd love to hear.


  1. I wondered if you would be redesigning.
    I like reading about you best. ;)
    Love youuuu!!!!!

  2. I love reading about you and all your crafty ideas! :-D *hugs* Love you!

  3. I will be excited to see the new look! And I don't mind the reviews/sponsored posts. I like seeing how you can put an interesting and relevant spin on anything. Also, it's so great that you can use your skill and passion for writing to generate income while keeping your audience inspired, informed, and entertained at every turn. Who would have dreamt it, back in the Valentown days? :D

    1. I seriously should get Valentown published. Good old Joe and Maria! lol.


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