, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: 10 Easy Snowman Crafts to Make With Kids

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

10 Easy Snowman Crafts to Make With Kids

The high temperature in Kansas City is supposed to be 7 degrees Fahrenheit tomorrow. Yes, 7. There's a little bit of residual snow on the ground outside that my kids keep begging to play in, but I'm not cut out for arctic temperatures, so we're going to be amusing ourselves in other ways until it warms up a little!

Lincoln and Addie both love snowmen, so I gathered up some cute ideas for Snowman Crafts for Kids! Take a peek and see if you're inspired for your next crafty endeavor.

I'm pretty sure if I showed all of these ideas to my kids, they would want to do them all RIGHT NOW. We'll probably just start with one and see how the rest of the day goes!

What are you up to on this frigid day?


  1. I like the pom pom one and the mugs best!

    1. I love the mugs! If I needed more mugs, I would totally be making them. :)


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