, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: Currently // October 6, 2014

Monday, October 6, 2014

Currently // October 6, 2014

Happy Monday, friends! I'm trying to have an intentional/productive day over here, but I woke up to a child jumping on my face and then headbutting I didn't get off to the best start. I'd probably feel a little more motivated if the cold/cough/ick I've had for three straight weeks now would just clear up and die, too.

However, I'm also trying to minimize whining and complaining because they are not exactly preferred or attractive tendencies in anyone - so let's get on with the day, shall we?

 Thinking //

...that I need a much better daily routine. Or, a routine at all. I just don't know how to establish this when my kids are up five times a night. Being exhausted all the time does not bode well for productivity, and just the thought of getting up even earlier makes my head hurt.

...that I'd love to be a vendor at a craft show, but I can barely get my Etsy shop stocked with new items more often than a few times a year. Putting together enough stuff for a show sounds like crazy talk.

...that I need to purge some STUFF. And by mess I mean complete-and-utter-ridiculous-disaster-of-things-piled-everywhere. I'm past the point of "I can't deal with it anymore" to "I don't want to deal with it anymore," which means now I might actually do something about it. Great logic, right?

Listening // Lincoln eating crunchy cereal while watching the new Octonauts movie I found at the library. Yep - my kids watch TV so I can blog. Addie is still asleep, after having been up several times in the night. the beautiful sound of my dryer running in the basement. It's fixed after about three weeks of downtime. Hallelujah! And it only cost $32 for a part, vs. buying an entire new dryer.

Doing //

...a LOT of blog work today, I hope. I have a full week of posts lined up, plus need to do some prep for kid craft ideas floating around in my head, and start working on my Holiday Gift Guide (email  me if you want to be featured - directorjewelsATgmailDOTcom).

...preschool this week, after an unexpected couple of weeks off. Between living at my parents' house for three days due to curb reconstruction and all of us being sick and the mega piles of laundry in every crevice, I have not been motivated to make school happen. Going to get back on track this week.

...massive housework and organization. Somewhere in my head, I'm believing that it has to look worse before it can look better, but this is what a good room in my house looks like right now:

Thankful for // now-working dryer and husband who spent all of his free time for the last week dealing with it. The poor contraption is going to run literally all day today.

...crisp, fall air and thunderstorms. I'm way beyond tired of heat and mugginess.

What's up with you? What are your goals for the week? Linking up at Hannah's Joyful Life.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously. You're amazing! I can't believe all of the stuff you are doing! Im going in the craft show this weekend and Im SO nervous! eek! Hoping people will buy things! Amen to a working dryer too! not having a washer or dryer would shut this operation down pretty quick! haha! I have also been trying to establish a routine around here! So tough when you are up in the night, I just want to sleep all. of. the. time!!! Thank you so much for linking up today! :)


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