, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: just some random...

Monday, February 22, 2010

just some random...

Pretty excited that I won a challenge based on the layout I posted last week. $5 Studio Calico giftcard - woohoo! Here's my layout featured on SC's blog. This was the very first time I have entered my work in any sort of contest - so that's a pretty nice ego boost (even if it was a random drawing). :)

Today I'm still on that productivity kick. Currently listing some stuff on eBay that's been hanging around for months waiting to be dealt with. Hoping for big profits, but we'll see.

The countdown to callbacks for Beauty and the Beast next Sunday evening is on! I just printed my sheet music. Belle has to learn 3 songs. I'm not too worried - I have them mostly memorized already anyway. Hehe.

I'm wondering - is there ever an end to all the stuff that piles up waiting to be done? Will I ever be able to look around and say "wow...I don't have a desperate responsibility today!"? Probably not. The question is - how to find peace with knowing that it'll probably never happen. That's my new thought for the week.

The view out my back door right now:

I am so done with winter.

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