, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: Little Bo Peep, Her Wolf & a Sheep - Enchanted Forest 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Little Bo Peep, Her Wolf & a Sheep - Enchanted Forest 2009

Because directing a community theatre holiday production is just not enough, we decided to volunteer as actors in this year's Enchanted Forest.  The show is a fundraiser for a local children's theatre - definitely a worthy cause.

For the past couple of weekends, we have been hanging out in a (very cold) forest until all hours of the night.  The Enchanted Forest is fantastic - a collection of non-scary skits from characters you may recognize from popular fairy tales and nursery rhymes. 

Since Andrew and I wanted to be in a skit together, we were assigned the characters of Little Bo Peep and the Wolf!  Here's a little behind the scenes look at the process.

It's cold when you sit outside for several hours in a forest!  Many layers required.  Yes, including hair.  Excuse the red eyes.  I realized after editing that I failed to fix them...

All costumed and made up!  A little story about that hat - while it looks fantastic, it seriously was the worst thing to keep on my head.  I had to redo it about every ten minutes, which drove me crazy.

All set and ready to head out to the woods!

You'll find a wide variety of characters throughout the forest!  Anything from Peter Pan and some pirates... everyone's favorite Wizard of Oz friends!

But I'll admit, we're a little prejudiced.  The Bo Peep and Wolf characters, located here at the Wooluff Detective Agency, are the most entertaining stop on the tour through the forest!

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