The last five minutes before lunch are quite possibly the worst part of the day. There's nothing that can be completed this quickly, but I'm still supposed to be working. So I try to look busy and productive. It doesn't always work out. Like the times when I end up blogging instead.
7 pages of the Honeymoon scrapbook have been completed. Only 43 to go. The whole book has been sketched, and the overall design is done, I just have to put all the pieces together. Finding the time to do this is the problem.
I'm pretty happy that I'm not involved in community theatre this summer. I am already so far behind on practically everything! I can't imagine my state of disaster if I were spending 4 hours a night at rehearsal. I will be selling tickets for Footloose at BSCT, but that will only be 2 weeks and I won't even need to stay the entire evening. Hm. I wonder if I am doing concessions as well.
All right, it's 11:59. Close enough for me! Panera Strawberry Poppyseed Salad deliciousness, here I come! :)
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