13 completed pages now reside in the Honeymoon album. Progress = yay! :) The page I'm currently working on is our first walk through Times Square. It's going to be all glittery. I love sparkles.
I went shopping "just because" for the first time in MONTHS and found all kinds of really cute clothes at Target. This dress - http://www.target.com/Merona-Keyhole-Dress-Rose/dp/B001QXV3LA/sr=1-3/qid=1245254185/ref=sr_1_3/192-6632489-3479959?ie=UTF8&frombrowse=0&index=target&rh=k%3Amerona%20keyhole&page=1 - I have already purchased in 3 colors and am considering a 4th. It's possibly the best summer sundress EVER. I am quite dismayed though, because while it is DEFINITELY hot enough outside to wear them, in my place of employment, it generally feels like it's 40 degrees. I wear a thick sweater almost all the time. Sadness.
Happy Birthday today to my Daddy!!!! :)
Garage sale at my house Thursday-Saturday this weekend! I am fully aware that no one reads my blog; but if they did, I would offer for them to sell their stuff in my sale as well. I'm currently trying to go through the house and purge as much as possible. I'm tired of having stuff piled up in every corner of every room. However, I LIKE all of my things so much that it's very difficult for me to imagine actually letting anything go. So I'm trying to find a healthy balance, and clear out as much as I can. We'll see how it goes.
Back in December, I decided to re-read the Harry Potter series before the new movie came out. Well, here we are, 28 days from the movie, and I am roughly halfway through HP & the Prisoner of Azkaban (book 3). So...it's time for a crazy reading frenzy. There was definitely a time in my life when this would have been a piece of cake, but I don't know if it'll happen this time. Hopefully! I really want to revisit the world of the books before seeing how badly the screenwriters have trashed the story.
The library is strangely quiet this afternoon. I probably shouldn't have said that. Now we'll be overrun with screaming children. Oops...
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