, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: DIY Marbled Votive Candle Holders

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

DIY Marbled Votive Candle Holders

DIY Marbled Votive Holders Tutorial, DIY Gift Idea at

Something about winter puts me in the mood to craft all.the.time. The cold months when we're trapped inside are great for catching up on projects, organizing, or making a gift stash to use throughout the year. If I were really smart, I would even begin working on homemade Christmas gifts, because we all know that when the holidays roll around, there's never enough time for crafting!

These DIY Marbled Votive Candle Holders are ridiculously easy for how impressive they look when they are finished. You could marble any size holder, but the votive candle size is perfect for experimenting and creating simple gifts for friends and family. This is a simple enough project for older kids and teens to do on their own (or with minimal help), so they would be great for a birthday party craft.

Want to make some yourself? Here's how!

DIY Marbled Votive Candle HoldersSupplies:
-Glass Candle Holder
-Large Bowl (use an old one or pick up a cheap one at a thrift store or the $1 store)
-Nail Polish (a couple different colors of your choice)
-Warm Water
-Wax Paper

DIY Marbled Votive Holders Tutorial, DIY Gift Idea at


1. Make sure you have a work space that is protected - you don't want nail polish permanently on your table or countertop! Once that's done, fill your bowl with warm water.

2. Slowly pour in the first color of nail polish.  You want to pour it pretty close to the water’s edge, so that the drops don't sink to the bottom. There's not a science on how much polish to use, but to get a good amount for marbling, you may need to experiment.

DIY Marbled Votive Holders Tutorial, DIY Gift Idea at

3. Add in your second color of polish the same way.

4. Use a toothpick and swirl the colors together.

DIY Marbled Votive Holders Tutorial, DIY Gift Idea at

5. Dip the candle at an angle into the water.  You don’t need to submerge it.  The polish should just cling to it.

DIY Marbled Votive Holders Tutorial, DIY Gift Idea at

6. Set the candles upside down on the wax paper to dry. Then enjoy your DIY Marbled Votive Candle Holders for many years to come! 

Aren't they fun? Have you ever done a project that involved marbling something? I think it would be fun to make these for every season!


  1. wow these look so cool! I'm surprised at how easy this DIY is! It looks way more complicated (from the result) than it actually is lol. I'll have to try - thanks for sharing!

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