, pub-8087192757053655, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Director Jewels: Slaying the Debt Dragon by Cherie Lowe {Book Review}

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Slaying the Debt Dragon by Cherie Lowe {Book Review}

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book to review. No other compensation was received and all views expressed are my own. 

No one ever expects to go through life saddled with a heap of debt. And not everyone who has debt has been particularly irresponsible with their finances. Sometimes, life is tough and you just get behind. Then, things get worse and worse - before you know it, you find yourself struggling with no idea how you got there or how to get out.

That's kind of our debt story. We don't have student loans, but we do have some credit card debt from the time in our life when my husband was out of work and we simply didn't have the resources we needed. The number is higher than I would like it to be, so we've been employing every opportunity to pay down that debt and get back on track.

This book, Slaying the Debt Dragon, by author Cherie Lowe, tells the story of how one family was able to tame the monster their money had become - and find financial freedom. Cherie offers practical tips on how to evaluate your situation, ways to get started on your journey to being debt-free, and how to make a budget that your family can actually use. She also includes tips on how to make things at home to avoid buying them, and how to avoid falling into the "guilty parent" trap in a society where kids are always expecting more and more.

The tone of the book was really appealing to me, because it strives to make you feel like you can overcome your financial woes. Regardless of how long the journey may be, it's a process that is better started sooner than later, and you're a lot more likely to succeed with some friendly advice at your side.

Have we paid off all our debt yet? No. We're one of those families who had never signed up for cable or a home phone, so there aren't a whole lot of expenses for us to cancel. But, it's a work in progress. And I know we'll make it, one day!

You can find Slaying the Debt Dragon on Amazon.

Disclosure: Thanks, Tyndale Blog Network, for the samples! No other compensation was received and all views expressed are my own. For more information, you can read my Disclosure Policy.

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