Monday, July 1, 2013

Old School Blogging - ABC's

I was tagged by Steffany at Spit & Sparkles to participate in this Old School Blogging linkup. Okay, so I was tagged like 2.5 weeks ago. And I am just now getting to it. I blame my sleepless child. Make sure you hop over to Steffany's blog and peek at her adorable twins.

A. Attached or Single? Attached. Married to Andrew. Fun fact: our wedding was the same weekend in August in 2008 as our first date in 2007.
B. Best Friend? It may be cliche to say Andrew, but seriously? No one else can cheer me up the way he can. Even when he thinks I'm all kinds of crazy.
C. Cake or pie? Chocolate cake, dripping in more chocolate. Though we've been on a pie kick lately and I would be thrilled if someone dropped a cherry pie on my porch today.
D. Day of choice? Saturday because Daddy is home!
E. Essential Item? iPhone, Gap lip balm, to-do list. Sunglasses and Chewbeads if I'm leaving the house.
F. Favorite color? Purple.
G. Gummy bears or worms? Worms, but honestly all gummy candy kind of grosses me out anymore.
H. Home town? Good old Lees Summit, MO (hey look, I still live here!)
I. Favorite Indulgence? Showering by myself while someone else is making sure the kids don't die. I'm kind of a psychopath if I don't get to shower.
J. January or July? January. Hot chocolate, snuggling with blankets, staying's glorious.
K. Kids? Lincoln arrived in 2011, Addie joined us in 2012. They keep me busy.
L. Life isn’t complete without? Jesus, family, books, musicals, and chocolate.
M. Marriage date? August 2, 2008. Almost five years, what! Here's what I said at two.
N. Number of brothers/sisters? One awesome brother who married my awesome friend Rachel, but then moved away to live with her in Connecticut. I keep trying to convince him to move home since their baby (due in September) needs to be best buddies with my kids.
O. Oranges or Apples? Apples. I actually hate eating oranges. I have an issue with their consistency.
P. Phobias? Spiders, cooking, and I worry that I'm a terrible mother on days when my kids don't sleep at all.
Q. Quotes? "Someday is not a day of the week" and this one by Walt Disney.
R. Reasons to smile? My beautiful family, thunderstorms, craft supplies scattered everywhere (means a good-for-the-soul craft project is in progress).
S. Season of choice? Fall is my favorite. Pumpkin patches, the Enchanted Forest, crisp cool weather...and my birthday. Love it all.
T. Tag 5 People. Stephanie, Rebecca, Erin, Randi, and Beth (no hard feelings if you don't want to do it, ladies!)
U. Unknown fact about me? I've chewed gum twice in my life and found the experience to be a severe disappointment.
V. Vegetable? I actually really love broccoli, but I'm limited as to how much I can consume lately due to nursing (makes baby gassy). I also like carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn. Beyond that, I don't touch most veggies.
W. Worst habit? Never ever cleaning my kitchen sink. Wasting time on Facebook instead of blogging.
X. Xray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound I guess? This question is weird.
Y. Your favorite food?I seem to always want a sweet chipotle chicken sandwich from McAlister's Deli. Like, literally always. Even after having just consumed one.
Z. Zodiac sign? I think I'm a Libra. lol.

So, the idea was to link up with Jennifer or Elaine in the month of June. Way to go,  me, doing this in July...! Oh well.

This whole blog post concept reminds me sooo much of my old Xanga blog. Anybody else have one of those? They were 47 kinds of awesome.


  1. This was fun to read. I totally forgot about the gum thing.

  2. Love your favorite indulgence! Haha, the days of showering without constantly turning the water off and listening for crying are gone! Oh, and getting one before 2:00pm! Thanks for joining me in this post series.

    1. Oh yes! A shower before 2pm is miraculous. But mostly, because by 2pm I am freaking out at everyone. :)
