Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas in Photos - Holiday Recap Part 1 {2013}

Christmastime was so so busy for us this year! I assume it will only get crazier as the kids get older (and more of them join the clan). This post is mostly a photo dump - and there are so many photos I'm doing it in three segments!

The weekend before Christmas, we went to the annual celebration at the church Andrew grew up in. The kids sort of helped decorate the tree and added to the general chaos of the event.

I designed Addie's ridiculously over the top flower headband - is it not adorable?

On Christmas Eve morning, we went to Andrew's parent's house to have lunch and open gifts. The kids are mesmerized by the choo-choo train that drives on their tree. So cool.


The first gift Lincoln opened was a firetruck. He was pleased.

Despite the grumpy photo, this rocking horse is already well-loved.

After our first Christmas party, the kids were sleepy. We drove around town for awhile and let them both sleep before heading to my grandparents' house for another celebration. We weren't able to stay long as it was getting close to bedtime and we had some fun things planned for the kids at home before bed, but Lincoln had a good time once he got over the sleepy grumpy state he was in when we arrived.

He was most impressed with his new flashlight (a tradition) and VeggieTales Larry Boy car.

Not bored of all the photos yet? Read part 2 and part 3.

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