Monday, February 4, 2013

The Swaddle Escape Artist Extraordinaire

I received a single Summer Infant SwaddleMe at one of my baby showers for Lincoln.  I didn't know at the time that it would become that baby item that we had to go buy multiples of, when the one we had was unwashed and it was bedtime.  Seriously - these infant swaddle wraps saved us with Lincoln.  We still didn't get much sleep since he had so much trouble nursing, but they kept him cozy and snug and happier.  Plus, he was positively adorable.

Um. Look at that tiny baby.

Since we used them constantly with Lincoln, my assumption was that we would need a stash for Addie as well.  A lot of Lincoln's were gender neutral, but I searched consignment sales last fall and found a few pink ones to throw in the mix.  

And then she arrived.  And....I didn't use them. 

There really isn't a reason why.  The first night she was home, I just wrapped her up in one of my favorite swaddle blankets from Carter's, and she was so snuggly that I never bothered getting out the actual swaddles!  She was sleeping great as a newborn, so I figured why mess with the system?

This was a great plan, until about a week ago.  This little princess has figured out that she really enjoys kicking and squirming and flailing her tiny, chubby arms in the air.  And that results in lots of middle-of-the-night wakings where she looks like this:

Help me out, mama.

While it's pretty adorable, it means a lot less sleep for both of us.  So I gave in and found the SwaddleMe wraps in the disaster area nursery.  Wouldn't you know - this chubby baby is already above the weight for the size "small."  So we're starting out with size large! 

She's only worn them for about three or four nights so far, but our sleep has been great - I've almost consistently gotten 5-6 hours at a time from her!  Maybe I should have made the switch sooner. 

I miss the swaddle blankets already though.  Well...I think I actually just miss the teeny tininess of a newborn.  Already.  Sniff.

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