Thursday, January 31, 2013

Simple Moments v.8

This week, it's been a little tough to focus on simple things, because the majority of the time I have been exhausted.  Our car has also been in the shop twice this week, sigh.  Regardless of the sleep deprivation and the stress, though, life goes on.  And I am even more grateful for the sweet little moments, when I am not too tired to notice them!

Crafting.  Lincoln's birthday is in about three weeks, and while I'm not planning anything like the first birthday extravaganza, I'm also not anywhere near being in party-planning mode.  Yikes.  I managed to get my act together and craft some invitations yesterday, though.  At least step one is done!

I also have been super slacking at getting baby gifts for friends done in an acceptable timeframe. In an effort to convince myself that 2013 is the year of change, I dragged my fabric and ribbon and felt upstairs so I could make some progress on a project while Lincoln plays and Adelaide naps.  And what do you know - it worked!  A completed craft project makes me feel like a whole new woman.

Baby Smiles.  Seriously.  Look at this chubby chubby baby and I'm sure you will understand why I don't really want to work on anything boring like cooking or cleaning.

Baby Shoes.  You could die from the cuteness.  The appeal triples when she is kicking hysterically!

Sleepy Baby.  We've had a few unhappy days this week - I'm afraid it's because Adelaide likes soy about as little as she likes dairy.  This is a bummer, since I finally found some soy ice cream that tasted real.  Not worth it if we have to have days where her tummy hurts, though.  She has been requiring extra snuggles and bouncing and nursing to fall asleep this week.

But when she does finally drift off...goodness, she is precious.  My life is so much richer because of my sweet babies!  Even if I function at a much lower brain capacity.  :)

What simple moments are you celebrating this week?

1 comment:

  1. Great photos Julie...thanks for linking up with the simple things! :)
