Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lincoln's Reading Corner February 2013

Good news - even with all of the birthday craziness this month, Lincoln seemed to enjoy reading again!  He's still very busy most of the time and doesn't want to sit still for long - but a few of these have been important enough to him that he has brought them to us repeatedly.  I love reading time - since it is one of the few times he is actually calm!

1. Hippo Says Excuse MeAll right, this one is a stretch.  He's let me read it to him once - because it has a "BUS!!!!"  We have checked out this books and others in the series from the library several times - great set of chunky board books on manners!  Adelaide really enjoyed looking at the pictures in Mouse Says Sorry.

2. Things That GoOur favorite thing to do with this book is have Lincoln name all the vehicles.  He knows train, truck, bus, choo-choo, boat, balloon, and bike.  We're still working on scooter, blimp, rollerskates, motorcycle, and trolley.  This particular book is fun because it features more than just the typical car, truck, and train.

3. Little Blue Truck Leads the WayWe gave Lincoln the board book edition of this favorite for his birthday - and while he's really too busy playing with all the new toys most of the time, he does seem to really enjoy this one.  Whenever we can get him to sit still for twelve seconds, that is.

4. Maisy's TrainThis book has a duck, and a choo-choo, and a clock.  So he is thrilled with it!

5. The Pigeon Loves Things That GoI checked this book out from the library because I love Pigeon.  When I worked as a library clerk, I always stopped to read the Pigeon books when they came by my desk.  Hilarious!  And this title has vehicles for my little man - perfect.

6. The Wheels on the TruckA little variety on the Wheels on the Bus song - fun book to use for a sing along with your kiddo.

7. Red Truck, Yellow Bus: A Book of ColorsAnother fun book filled with vehicles!  You are probably noticing a theme.

8. Mickey's Play & Learn Piano Songs
My grandparents gave Lincoln this awesome book for his birthday, and he is really enjoying it.  He doesn't grasp the concept of reading the notes or understanding which key is which yet - but it's a good start to just play with a piano.  And when we eventually start lessons in a few years, we'll pull this book out again for some easy key recognition practice!

9. Storybook Rhymes
.  This is a book that's been in our collection for over a year - it's been riding in the van until very recently.  Lincoln looked at it during a car ride and realized that it features the song "Hickory Dickory Dock" - which is used in one of his favorite Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episodes - Clarabelle's Clubhouse Mooo-sical.  I don't know why, but he is obsessed with clocks right now!  So he now carries this big storybook around, pushing the buttons over and over until he gets to hear the clock song again. 

February definitely had more favorite books than the last few months - yay!  If you're looking for more reading ideas, you can check out all our recent favorites here!

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