Thursday, January 24, 2013

Simple Moments v.7

When you live in the midwest, you kind of learn to expect that the weather can and will be ridiculous at times.  Case in point: last Saturday, when it was warm enough to pack up our little entourage and take them to see the new polar bear at the Kansas City Zoo. 

Yes, seriously. In the middle of January.

We didn't get to the zoo until mid-afternoon, and stayed less than two hours.  Lincoln's grandparents gave us a zoo membership for Christmas, and I am so excited to put it to good use all year!

Family Photo.  I promise Lincoln was actually more excited about our day.

We saw Berlin, the polar bear, some monkeys, tigers, kangaroos, birds, sheep, and more.  I've decided that visiting the zoo may actually be better when the heat index is not 105 degrees.  The animals were all far more active in the cooler weather!

Lincoln had the most fun running around in the Discovery Barn.  I was glad Daddy was there to chase him; I don't think I could have kept up!

Snuggly baby.

My big accomplishment?  Adelaide decided about ten minutes into this trip that she was starving.  And I wore her in my wonderful Ergobaby Performance Carrier and she nursed for about an hour straight.  And I doubt anyone even knew!

Our adventurers were worn out from all the fun - but my goodness, Andrew and I pretty much crashed when we got home.  This family outing was fun for all, but a lot of work for the parents.  Nevertheless, we were grateful for the simple joys of the day - Lincoln's smiles and Addie's snuggles are really some of the best things in life.

What simple moments are you celebrating this week?


  1. Love, love the Ergo! I found your blog through the Simple as That link up. Very cute!

  2. I tag on the commenter above and say that I LOVE my Ergos too! Wore two of them, one on the front and one on the back for a couple years it felt like! Makes me smile to see others like theirs as much.
    And now I think I'll plan a trip to the zoo! Thx for the inspiration.
    New follower here.
    nancy-of the crazy 9
