Thursday, January 10, 2013

Simple Moments v.5

It's January - and yesterday, it was warm enough to go on an adventure to the park.  Lincoln was completely beside himself with excitement.

Why yes, he is wearing a windbreaker.  We like '90's fashion around here.

I was worried that he would be impossible to control, but it was actually easier than our past visits, since he is a lot more steady on his feet now!

Sock Monkey Hat from Knitnut by JL.  Blanket from My Ubby.

Addie wasn't quite as excited as her big brother, but Grandma made sure she was warm and cozy while Lincoln ran himself ragged on the playground.  We only spent about 45 minutes at the park, but it was probably the highlight of our week.  I love that something as simple as this can bring so much joy!

What simple moments are you celebrating this week?


  1. We went to the park today, too. It's been gray, chilly and rainy all week buy today was beautiful! Love that little monkey hat!

  2. The park is certainly to be celebrated! Love your pics. We celebrated jewelry and stickers from preschool! Come check it out!

  3. Love how your first photo is framed by the park's red tunnel. Thanks for sharing your everyday simple moments.

  4. Oh, that photo of your baby is so precious! She looks so warm and cozy!

  5. Love that sock monkey hat! So sweet!
